Thursday, 23 June 2011


I always  like to read QUOTE ,  as a good  Quotation gives so much in so few words. It saves time , it touches somewhere deep inside. NOT  all Quotes are , as such , some , clicks and some make no impact. One my friend  , who is a  Kawi  once said  " Quotes ,you like are those , which you are not  actually practicing ". This very thought of my Kawi  friend , hurts me ,  as  all good Quotes exhorting for good things  in life are of my liking , which imply that  I am not practicing good things. But I try to keep my   mind open on this  issue , as always , you are the last  man on earth to know if your mouth is giving foul smell. So this logic applies everywhere.

However most  of the Quotes are coming from menfolk  , as such , they are mostly biased like:-
Be to her virtues very kind,
Be to her faults a little blind.
~Matthew Prior

But  I came across the two Quotes , both by  Unknown Author , which  I feel  gives a different  look  to  our counter part , which are as  follows.

Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.  

 "The average woman would  rather have beauty than brains , because the average man  can see  better than he can think."

                           ~Author Unknown


1 comment:

  1. Quotes are there to give you a jolt. Also to bring smile sometimes to your face.
    The quote of virtues and kind and blind is wonderful. It should be for every one, not only for her..though
    Thanks for bringing these quotes Mazhar bahi.


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